
"Call of Duty 8" by adding a new multiplayer gameplay richer

IW has released a new development log, told us about the "modern warfare 3" by adding two warhammer sale new multiplayer modes.

-1 Kill Confirmed that kill confirm this model and previous TDM Team Deathmatch is somewhat similar. But the difference is in this mode, the enemy will fall after being struck gold dog tag, warhammer sale dog tag only pick up the enemy's will score, but is not simply kill points. At the same time, his teammates will fall after the death of a red dog tag, if you pick up in time before the enemy is able to prevent the enemy score.

Watch the video we can easily find, in this mode, players will choose to be in close combat weapons, or kill the enemy but can not pick up after the dog tag that is undoubtedly the most sad reminder of things. That in this mode, the battle will be more intense and fast, good in the long-range rifle will receive a great enemy of the warhammer sale restrictions, spy ... ... naturally do not have to say.

-2 Team Defender that team defense, this model is similar to the previous CTF Capture the Flag mode. The difference is that, once the Capture the Flag mode is needed into each other's positions in a fixed position to win the flag, and the new team warhammer sale defensive mode, the first dead enemy will drop a flag, and capture the flag of a friendly , the fraction of time with the increase in capture the flag up.

Thus, in this mode, the player may unconsciously tend to play defense, which is why is called "team defense" why. Confirmed kill with different modes of the above, this model is more emphasis on long-range warhammer sale firepower, rifle and spy more applicable.

At the same time, two IW staff also said that in the new work, the establishment warhammer sale of the room can be carried out a series of custom adjustments, as follows:

Game Settings: time limit, score limit

Player settings: the life-cap, the maximum amount of blood, blood response rate

Team settings: the observer perspective, death playback, radar normally open,warhammer sale regeneration time, crossing time? (Estimate is Spec-ops in the points of time), forced regeneration

Game settings: skills and proficiency, the real mode, the third-person perspective, allowing only headshot, Liansha awards, custom job