Canadian anthropologist Felix - Fei Lande draw by 13-year period depicting aion account amazing images show the data cable, aircraft and road surface of human technology, how on earth "colonial." Image, a large number of gold wire extending in the dark earth, forming a vivid spider web, to show mankind how technology affects the Earth.
In an ordinary home computer, Fei Lande using data from the U.S. National Geospatial-aion account Intelligence Agency and Atmospheric Administration and other agencies of the data, drawing to show how humans 'domestication' Earth images. In the process, he will add data to the next night on Earth satellite photos of the city. Fei Lande pointed out that 3% of Earth's land area is covered by the apron, with a total area equivalent to India. Earlier this week, the United Nations Population Fund announced that as of October 31, 1999, the world's population compared with an increase of 10 million. As of 21st century, global population will double, reaching 15.8 billion.
Fei Lande, 34, who lives in Montreal, Canada, is the person in charge of environmental organizations aion account Globaia. He said: "These images show the global human product, including paved roads, unpaved roads, light pollution, railway and power lines and they show our civilization to what extent, to show us how to expand and human activities affect our planet. "
Fei Lande hopes to use actual data has been presented with sci-fi color images of the Earth, these images is aion account drawn in under this idea. He said: "I think to show how human development, domestication, and change the Earth's image will certainly attract the attention of many people. With this in mind, I started to collect data from various agencies, then look for the way they fit together In the "Star Wars", "Super contact" and "Avatar" and other sci-fi film, we have seen a similar image, but I have never seen this in the real image of the earth, which led me to produce Such an idea - why not draw the images? "
Fei Lande human heritage hold a positive attitude. He said: "The current civilization is the history of the aion account Earth billions of people on the result of joint efforts, we made efforts and sweat, also experienced success and suffering, such as the terrible war, all kinds of inventions, technological change and social crisis The 21st century is called a 'great acceleration' times, is the history of the relationship between mankind and nature of changes in the fastest time. mid-20th century, many human activities to achieve take-off point, the 21st century is an era of rapid development I think we should hold an optimistic attitude. These images can deepen people's understanding aion account of their own activities. "
Canadian anthropologist Felix - Fei Lande draw images of the Earth, showing the major highways, rail aion account networks, transmission lines and submarine cables. Fei Lande added to the real data by the city of satellite photos taken at night to draw out this aion account image
Under the African night, showing roads, railways, as well as data transmission lines to aion account connect the mainland submarine data cables and other human technology
North America and Europe over the air routes, linking London Heathrow, Frankfurt and New York's Kennedy Airport
Eurasia over the air line, drawn by the Canadian anthropologist Fei Lande