
Diablo 3 Beta stage career Detailed-hunting magic Hunter

Beta on the line now, we can bring you no longer just a vague forward-looking quest help forecast, but surly the most specific information about game content. Xiaobian previously mentioned in five career among his favorite is hunting demons quest help hunters, the first resolution for everyone integration phase of the hunting magic Hunter Beta post.

◎ hunting magic Hunter

"Hunting quest help magic is a ruthless hunter of justice fighters, using a series of long-range weapons to kill the target they hidden away from the dangerous place in the targeting, and then rely on bows and arrows, traps and other lethal weapons, shooting quickly resolve those intrusive quest help evil creatures of their world . "

These are the "Diablo III" the Chinese official website for the description of hunters hunting magic. After the actual operation was felt as hunting magic is a hunter based remote means of attack, control field, dodging skills, giving the advantage away from the use of quest help weapons and deal with the enemy, enemy at arm's career. And the same for remote attacks Mystic contrast, hunters in the hunting quest help magic to contain the damage and the ability of the monomer has an advantage.
◎ hunting equipment, hunter magic

 Hunting magic hunter for a variety of long-range attack weapon fighting quest help skills but also with the long-range weapons with. Can be made ??in the Beta phase of a total of bow (Bow), Cross Bow (Crossbow) and hand-crossbow (Hand Crossbow) three weapons types. And a career dedicated Holdable quiver (Quiver).

◇ Crossbow

Slow rate of fire, injury and strong single weapon, hold hands with. As the single high attack quest help power, with the percentage of damage for the skill. (Such as Impale, Bola, etc.)

Normal shooting is also extremely powerful, but because of fire interval length, directly with the skills to play a high explosive quest help will have a better effect.