
Walrus man hometown the borean tundra background information

The borean tundra

Located in the west of northrend the Borean Tundra Borean Tundra [read (BOR-the Ian not BOR-the Ian]), the figure is the home of the card. Dhaka lai troll (Drakkari trolls), the blue dragonflight, undead scourge and naija also exists in this place. This area of the site includes important figure, the capital of the card kass Carla and crack the whip ruins. Take an examination in dalarna island off the coast of not far away.

In most parts of the borean tundra covered by snow.warhammer sale Figure, who is now the region card the occupiers. However, they will not too far away from the village, and even a few days to turn the wild who, and it is hard to run into the living. Figure, people basically only care about fishing card, whaling and defend their villages. They defense hungry dhaka troll attack, and even will and determination of robust spider-man, cloth battle, for their part, the spider man is difficult to deal with enemies; Unless there is a proper reason, they don't just against anyone. Dhaka lai troll in the tundra wander, but no number, most are alone or in small groups activities activities. Here they have no city, only a few camp, and little to no name. They sometimes make figure,warhammer sale people very upset, but card, as long as the figure of their power card people together, can always play the troll run. Lu cloth, spider-man here also wandering, but also just small group activities. The naga at the southern end of the crack the whip ruins in life. There now and then from tests the blue dragonflight dala across the tundra in the sky. Part of the undead lonely in lakes scattered around as scouts.

The borean tundra and not northrend an important place. This warhammer sale place is too isolated and poor so that no one want to capture it, at the same time it also have too long coastline need protection. Figure, people like this broad card coast, at the same time to crack the whip ruins naga a suitable for use in the southern ocean through to see who the place. Dhaka lai troll is here because tundra hunting have almost no warhammer sale wild animals can be hiding place. While others are far away from this place, most more like forest edom place.