
Studies have shown that playing games helps to stimulate children's creativity

One from Michigan State University's latest research shows that children exposed to video quest help games will then become more creative. Study results show that, in the case without regard to gender, the quest help game can help develop children's creativity.

The study by Professor Linda Jackson is responsible for the total survey of 491 junior high quest help school age children to investigate their activities on a day by which. Since the obtained data, the researchers will be able to play games and creativity to determine the direct impact between. Basically, the more children play games, you will want it more time in the fresh and creative pursuit. In order to study the accuracy of the results, the researchers still use the Torrance creativity test methods to test children under investigation.

Linda Jackson said: "Perhaps the game's development and further optimized in order to quest help stimulate creativity, but also to maintain the original entertainment so since the game is capable of entertaining up."